Installing the signal-cli on the Raspberry Pi.

As of 31.03.2023 this guide is not working correctly! Because of that reason the script got renamed to

At the time of writing this, the signal-cli is at version: 0.11.3 with the libsignal-client being at version: 0.20.0.
The OS that I use is DietPi.


The signal-cli could be useful for sending automatic messages, e.g. when a service/job fails. For example, when your database backup fails, you can get the notification right into Signal.

Automatic install

For an automatic install, I provide the following script:

You can use it by running:
sudo wget
Notice! Before running scripts from the Internet, check their code.
cat ./
Now you can run the script:
sudo chmod +x ./ && sudo ./

Manual install


You need to check the size of your /tmp directory with the following command:
df -h

There will be a line that looks like this:
tmpfs 1.0G 1.0M 1023M 1% /tmp

Notice that is reads 1.0G. This is too small as the installation requires about 1.25G.

You can expand the size of your /tmp directory with this command:
sudo mount -o remount,size=2G /tmp/

required tools

For this guide, curl and zip are required. Install them with:
sudo apt install curl zip

(If there is an error try to run sudo apt update)

Basic install

First, we need to set the Version of the signal-cli we are installing. You can find the Version code here.

Set the signal-cli version with:
export VERSION=0.11.3.
After that, we download the signal-cli version:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -o signal-cli-"${VERSION}"-Linux.tar.gz"${VERSION}"/signal-cli-"${VERSION}"-Linux.tar.gz
and unpack it to /opt:
sudo tar xf signal-cli-"${VERSION}"-Linux.tar.gz -C /opt. After extracting the code remove the file:
sudo rm signal-cli-"${VERSION}"-Linux.tar.gz
Finally, we link it to /usr/local/bin so we can use the signal-cli:
sudo ln -sf /opt/signal-cli-"${VERSION}"/bin/signal-cli /usr/local/bin/.

As the last step for the basic install, we install the required Java version:
sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk


If we try to run signal-cli now, then it will fail! (But only if your system type is not x86_64)

Building the

To fix the problem, we need to build the “native lib for libsignal”.

Notice! If you have a 1GB Raspberry Pi then please read #1-gb-ram.


First, we need to install some dependencies:


sudo apt install protobuf-compiler clang libclang-dev cmake make


sudo curl -sSf | sudo sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu -y

Build libsignal

Let's create a temporary directory to store files:
sudo mkdir /tmp/signal-cli-install && cd /tmp/signal-cli-install

Before starting to download the libsignal source-code, we need to find the matching version code:
export LIBVERSION=$(find /opt/signal-cli-"${VERSION}"/lib/ -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -name 'libsignal-client-*' | sed -E 's/\/opt\/signal-cli-[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}.[0-9]{1,}\/lib\/libsignal-client-*//g' | sed -E 's/.jar//g')

After that, we download the source code:
sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -o /tmp/signal-cli-install/v"${LIBVERSION}".tar.gz"${LIBVERSION}".tar.gz

And now we need to unpack the downloaded code:
sudo tar xf /tmp/signal-cli-install/v"${LIBVERSION}".tar.gz -C /tmp/signal-cli-install/ && mv libsignal-"${LIBVERSION}" libsignal

After extracting the code remove the archive as it is no longer needed: sudo rm /tmp/signal-cli-install/v"${LIBVERSION}".tar.gz

Change into the java directory of the downloaded code:
cd libsignal/java

We disable some android stuff as we don`t want to build for android:
sudo sed -i "s/include ':android'//" /tmp/signal-cli-install/libsignal/java/settings.gradle

1 GB Ram

While building libsignal I ran into a problem with the ram usage on the Raspberry Pi 3b, because eventually, the 1 GB of ram would be full. This would result in a locked-up Pi that I had to hard reset. We can work around this problem by limiting the CPU usage to 1 Core.
(I don't know if a 2 GB Raspberry Pi 4 can run all 4 Cores.)

sudo sed -i "s/cargo build /cargo build -j ${CORE_COUNT} /" /tmp/signal-cli-install/libsignal/java/

Update 08.10.2022

I could not get libsignal to compile on a Raspberry Pi with 1GB of ram.

Starting the Build

We can start the build with: sudo /tmp/signal-cli-install/libsignal/java/ desktop

We need to remove the bundled from /opt/signal-cli-${VERSION}/lib/libsignal-client-*.jar:
sudo zip -d /opt/signal-cli-${VERSION}/lib/libsignal-client-*.jar
and add our own:
sudo zip /opt/signal-cli-${VERSION}/lib/libsignal-client-*.jar /tmp/signal-cli-install/libsignal/target/release/

Since Version 0.11.3 the replacing is not working for me, because of that we add the to the default Java library path.
For that create it if it dosen`t exist: sudo mkdir -p /usr/java/packages/lib
and finally copy the file to that folder:
sudo cp /tmp/signal-cli-install/libsignal/target/release/ /usr/java/packages/lib

Now we can remove the temporary files:
sudo rm -r /tmp/signal-cli-install

We should set the permissions for the new files:
sudo chown root:root /usr/java/packages/lib/
sudo chmod 755 /usr/java/packages/lib/
sudo chmod 755 -R /opt/signal-cli-${VERSION}
sudo chown root:root -R /opt/signal-cli-${VERSION}

Now we should be able to use the signal-cli command with no problems.

Finally the signal-cli should report its version with: signal-cli —version`


#raspberrypi #linux #dietpi #signal